Pinay Mommy Online Thanksgiving Giveaway

I am trying to join this giveaway few days ago but i feel sick and also busy with my newborn baby. I am thankful for Pinay Mommy Online for hosting this giveaway. One of the requirements is to write what you are thankful for from last years, right now or anything as long as you are thankful for it.

Well, i have many things to be thankful for. I am thankful to God that he is always with us even in our hard times. Since 2008 till this year we are really in a very hard situation specially hubby cannot find a job. We have so many bills that we need to pay and the income of the farm cannot sustain all of our needs and bills. My online income is not enough also since it is also small amount. I paid some of smaller bills and hubby tried to find ways to pay for it. We almost lost of our house because of the mortgage but thank God he did not leave us in times like this. There are many times i cried for our situation and it is not easy for me specially i am pregnant and needs something for the baby. In US if you do not insurance for labor or in any medical stuff you will get help from the government. But because i am not a citizen only limited help they can give. The more i cried and prayed to God for help. God is merciful to us and i am thankful for the hard times we experienced. We got some help from many people and hubby finally got a job from construction even the wages was not great still money. After few weeks of working in other state hubby got home because he got terminated from his job. I am happy that he is home but sad because he do not have a job anymore. I tried to earn money online to help our money situation. I am still thankful to God for all the many blessings.

We would like to thank all the sponsors of Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving Giveaway!!

If you want to join in this fabulous giveaways, please visit Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving Giveaway post.

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